Monday, October 4, 2010

art art and art

I'm just coming down off the high of this weekend's art art and art.
first, Sharon Kingston's new exhibit at her gallery/studio, simply stunned as one walked through the door. it literally hit like a physical impact of color, lyricism and just plain ol'beauty, that took the breath away.  Time off from incidentals surely deepens ones practice.  I felt surrounded and soothed by these atmospheric works.  On to pick out a "favorite" and when found, had the audacity to ask if I could "trade up" from an earlier purchase.  Was that rude?  ooops, sorry Sharon (but it is a kind of fun idea....would we then put our earlier works into some kind of consignment gallery?!)

Then on to another friend's opening down south to a gallery located in the rural skagit flats, where her recent outpouring of work, now on the walls, just verified an artist of great skill and craftsmanship, who can create works of art that are momentous, with only (what appears to be) a few simple strokes.  You know, that "thing" many of us try to do.  Ruthie V reminds me of that one student in my art classes who always stood out from the rest, miles out, in another universe.  I truly believe that this woman should have a gallery in NYC!

Both of these exhibits left me feeling admiration and a great deal of inspiration - to try to become a better and truer art maker.  All in all, a satisfying weekend.

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